Dr Chua Sook Ning
Relate Malaysia
Changing the world through social innovation

Speaker Profile
Dr. Chua Sook Ning is the founder of Relate Mental Health Malaysia, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the provision of mental health services, education, training and advocacy since 2015. She is also a clinical psychologist, public health practitioner, and a visiting scholar at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Her research interests include self-regulation, body image, and population health interventions to name just a few of her areas of focus. As a renowned mental health advocate, Dr. Chua has been a sought-after speaker over the past 10 years, appearing on radio and in print media, as well as delivering three TEDx Talks since 2017.
Social innovation is coming up with new solutions to solve social problems that benefit the community. In this talk, I will talk about my journey as a clinical psychologist and social innovator to transform mental health in Malaysia.